Problem C
Chili COM Carne

Programmers all know COM, which is of course an abbreviation for Cost Of Maintenance and has no other interpretations. Often such costs can be lowered by automating certain tasks, but many programmers are overzealous in this regard and end up spending more time programming an automatic solution than it would have taken them to do the task by hand for the rest of their lives.
To rectify this a program has to be made that can automatically determine whether it is worth it to write a program to automate things. As this program does not yet exist we can’t say whether it’s worth it to write this program, so that’ll just have to be revealed in due time.
We measure time using a few different units, with the largest one being a year. A single year has $52$ weeks. Each week has $5$ work days and each work day has $8$ work hours. Finally there are of course $60$ minutes to an hour and $60$ seconds to a minute.
Given how often the task has to be done, how long it takes to do it, and how long it would take to automate it, make a program that can tell how much time it would save to automate the task over the course of the next five years. The saved time is measured starting from the program being finished.
The first line gives how often the task needs to be performed, given as n sinnum daglega where $n$ is an integer and daglega means daily. If $n$ is one the second word is replaced with sinni. The third word can also be vikulega which means weekly or arlega which means yearly. The next line gives how long it takes to perform the task each time, given as n sekundur where $n$ is an integer and sekundur means seconds. Instead of sekundur the second word can also be minutur (minutes), klukkustundir (hours), dagar (days), vikur (weeks), ar (years). If $n = 1$ the input contains the singular form of the word instead, i.e. one of sekunda, minuta, klukkustund, dagur, vika or ar, given in the same order as above. Finally the third and last line gives how much time it would take to automate the task, given in the same format as the line before. $n$ is always a positive integer with value at most $10$. Note that since the task might be taken care of by more than a single person it is possible that it takes more than five years to perform the task over the next five years in total.
Print the number of seconds the program would save over $5$ years. If automating the task takes strictly more time than doing the task manually over the next $5$ years, instead print Borgar sig ekki!.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
1 sinni vikulega 1 minuta 1 klukkustund |
12000 |
Sample Input 2 | Sample Output 2 |
5 sinnum daglega 10 sekundur 2 vikur |
Borgar sig ekki! |