-175 days 15:50:37
Contest is over

Forritunarkeppni Háskólanna á Íslandi 2024

Time elapsed


Time Remaining


Starts in

-175 days 15:50:37

Ends in

-175 days 10:50:37


2024-09-14 10:00 GMT


2024-09-14 15:00 GMT

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Forritunarkeppni Háskólanna á Íslandi 2024

Welcome to Forritunarkeppni Háskólanna á Íslandi 2024

This is the contest system for Forritunarkeppni Háskólanna á Íslandi 2024. The contest has now finished. You can view the final results.

28 / 12
Contestants / Teams


The contest will take place on the 14th of September from 10:00 to 15:00 GMT.

Note that the contest will start exactly at 10:00:00, so it is advisable to be at least 15 minutes early.

There will be coffee, water and tea in the morning.

There will be pizza for lunch. Note that the contest does not pause during lunch.

The top 3 teams will receive prizes!

Some tips:

  • Read all the problem statements. Avoid the sunk cost fallacy.
  • Start with the simplest solution possible, no matter its efficiency, and work your way towards a more efficient solution from that.
  • If you get Time Limit Exceeded, it is usually not by a margin of a few milliseconds, the solution is most likely way too slow. Examine the time complexity and look for hot paths in your code.
  • Rule of thumb: A modern CPU can perform approximately 100 million operations each second.
  • Look at the scoreboard for info. The most solved problem is likely the easiest one.
  • You have (up to) three people, but only one computer. Think things through for a while on paper before starting to code.
  • Try out Kattis before the contest, for example: Forritunarkeppni Háskólanna á Íslandi 2023 (Note: compared to last year, this year's iteration we added more problems on the easier side)

Start & End Times

Start Time 2024-09-14 10:00 GMT
End time 2024-09-14 15:00 GMT


Pass/Fail — Ranked

Each problem is pass/fail. Participants are ranked by the number of solved problems, breaking ties by penalty (sum of time + 20 minutes per wrong submission, for all solved problems). Time is rounded to minutes.


  • Standings are shown without limitation.